Sunday, February 3, 2008

And they this us Americans are stupid...

I found this article today, the first paragraph says it all:
Britons are losing their grip on reality, according to a poll out Monday which showed that nearly a quarter think Winston Churchill was a myth while the majority reckon Sherlock Holmes was real.

Just goes to prove, American's don't hold sole bragging rights on having a country full of uneducated morons.

The waiting game...

I hate the waiting game. Why can't HR/Recruiting people work weekends? I know, they should have lives too, but I hate waiting. Did I mention I hate waiting? Hopefully I'll be out in warm sunny California on Friday of this week, or sometime the week after for a day or two and get out of this cold weather and away from the 3-5" of snow we're supposed to start getting tomorrow. With any luck, I'll have two trips out there in the next 2 weeks...

I'm ready for winter to be over and the snow to go away.